Duplicator - Bootloader version: 1.3.24

Setup Notice:

An error has occurred. In order to load the full installer please resolve the issue below.
NOTICE: The /var/www/html/demo/megastore.7uptheme.net/wp-snapshots directory is not writable on this server please talk to your host or server admin about making writable /var/www/html/demo/megastore.7uptheme.net/wp-snapshots directory on this server.

Server Settings:

ZipArchive: Enabled
ShellExec Unzip: Disabled
Extraction Path: /var/www/html/demo/megastore.7uptheme.net/wp-snapshots
Installer Path: /var/www/html/demo/megastore.7uptheme.net/wp-snapshots/dup-installer
Archive Name: [HASH]_archive.zip or [HASH]_archive.daf
This is based on the format used to build the archive
Archive Size: Expected Size: 78.86MB   Actual Size: 80.21MB
Boot Log dup-installer-bootlog__[HASH].txt

Please Note: Either ZipArchive or Shell Exec will need to be enabled for the installer to run automatically otherwise a manual extraction will need to be performed. In order to run the installer manually follow the instructions to manually extract before running the installer.